
As a subsidiary of Indika Energy, Kideco is committed to Gender Equality. Focusing on Women Empowerment, Kideco formulates its Gender Policy and Strategy through a Gender Gap Assessment. The assessment includes:

1. Baseline Gender Equality Capacity

  1. Gathering information on understanding and awareness of gender equality at the individual, unit, and company levels.
  2. Identifying gaps and challenges in implementation.
  3. Documenting existing best practice but unstructured.
  4. Gender review (access, participation, control, and benefits).
  5. The baseline results serve as the foundation for Kideco’s Gender Policy.


2. Road Map and Gender Strategy Development

Gathering key information for the strategy and road map for improving gender equality capacity at PT Kideco Jaya Agung.

3. Gender Equality Program Recommendations

Targeted for staff, employee spouse associations, and the local community, aiming to achieve gender equality by 2025.