
Kideco’s Comprehensive Education Program emphasizes community self-sufficiency post-mining. Our focus involves enhancing teacher competence, literacy programs, college scholarships, and a mobile library.

Kideco also established the Bina Bersama Kideco Foundation (YBBK), provides basic skills training programs such as English, Arabic, and computer courses. YBBK aims to prepare the younger generation for the workforce. Additionally, YBBK develops religious education through the Quran Education Park.

The Dreams (Kideco Cares for Disabled Communities) Program empowers children with special needs, educators, and parents. This program aims to enhance the skills of children with special needs, upskill educators, and provide parenting support for parents with special needs children. Moreover, we address inclusive literacy by providing supportive tools such as braille books and teaching equipment. The program also targets the productive age group within the disabled community, provides creative economic training for them to achieve independence.