
Let’s Grow Together With Us

Good Management System

Kideco is a company driven by a good management system, as evidenced by the achievement of certifications and awards at local, national and international levels such as in the aspects of Product Quality, Environment, Corporate Social Responsibility, Safety and Health.

Workplace For Grow
And Inspire

From entry-level to experienced employees, we develop talent as our asset.  Our employees always have the opportunity to learn to develop themselves and add value to the world's energy.

Our Value

Come Work With Us

We have the foundation and principles about how we move, carry out activities for both internal and external processes through the SOLUSI Company values.


Goal alignment and cooperation are based on understanding oneself and others in order to achieve a cohesive team.


Promise fulfillment, results delivery, extra hard and smart work in order to achieve superior organizational performance.


Ability to seek different perspectives and make improvements to processes, products and services in order to remain relevant to the market and generate optimal economic value for the organization.

UUnity and Diversity

An attitude of accepting and appreciating diversity as an important asset in order to strengthen the organization.

SSocial Responsibility

Implementation of safety, health, environmental sustainability, and community development standards in an effort to achieve mutual sustainability.


Conformity of words with deeds to comply with government policies, Company regulations, and applicable codes of ethics, in order to improve the Company’s reputation and credibility.


Be Part Of Ourt Team