

The most reliable and eco-friendly Indonesian energy provider for sustainable future


  • Maximizing value creation for our stakeholders
  • Being socially responsible for better Indonesian generation
  • Contributing to green living for harmonious environment
  • Continuously developing human capital for organization excellence


Helping The Environment By Restoring It To Its Natural State


Goal alignment and cooperation are based on understanding oneself and others in order to achieve a cohesive team.


Promise fulfillment, results delivery, extra hard and smart work in order to achieve superior organizational performance.


Ability to seek different perspectives and make improvements to processes, products and services in order to remain relevant to the market and generate optimal economic value for the organization.

UUnity and Diversity

An attitude of accepting and appreciating diversity as an important asset in order to strengthen the organization.

SSocial Responsibility

Implementation of safety, health, environmental sustainability, and community development standards in an effort to achieve mutual sustainability.


Conformity of words with deeds to comply with government policies, Company regulations, and applicable codes of ethics, in order to improve the Company’s reputation and credibility.


Established in 1982

Established in 1982 as a company specializing in resource development, KIDECO operates the Paser Mine Site which is the third largest single mine in Indonesia.