
CEO Message

For 40 years, Kideco has continued to contribute to Indonesia’s energy sector. We are trusted by the government to manage natural resources in Indonesia.

We realize that changes will continue to occur in all aspects of life, and in the face of changes that are happening so quickly, Kideco will continue to grow in the spirit of agility to transform into an energy company that pays attention to sustainability aspects. We also continue to improve becoming a world-class company with full attention to environmental, social and governance (ESG) in all aspects of our activities, and set measurable targets to be in line with the goal of net zero emission goal in 2050.

In addition, Kideco’s new vision, mission and values are here as an answer to that dynamic change.


The most reliable and eco-friendly Indonesian energy provider for sustainable future.


  • Maximizing value creation for our stakeholders
  • Being socially responsible for a better Indonesia’s generation
  • Contributing to green living for a harmonious environment
  • Continuously developing human capital for organizational excellence

And our values are SOLUSI (Synergy, Ownership, AgiLity, Unity in Diversity, Social Responsibility and Integrity).

We instill Kideco’s vision, mission, and values in all Kideco elements. We believe that a strong sense of belonging will motivate our employees to continue to excel and respond to the challenges of change in the future.

We also continue to synergize in providing the best benefits for stakeholders and communities. Kideco exists in the midst of the community and grows with the community. In terms of human resources, people are an important part of the Kideco success. Kideco is home to more than 13,000 employees in Paser, Balikpapan and Jakarta. They come from various backgrounds from all over Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke from Miangas to the Island of Rote.

Kideco will continue to open as many opportunities as possible for Indonesia’s young generation to learn and grow together without any differences or discrimination in accordance with the spirit of our values of unity in diversity.

Kideco adheres to the standards and ethics that apply in Indonesia, we prioritize integrity as one of our values. Kideco with its value of integrity will always behave and act properly and to uphold the code of ethics and moral principles. In line with these values, Kideco has established the code of ethics in a set of certified standards ISO 37001.

Entering the 40th years of Kideco on September 7, 2022, we will use our rich variety of experiences and challenges that we have gone through as guidance and lessons to face the future. Age is not a barrier for us to continue working hard to make a positive contribution to the environment and community, because Kideco is there for Indonesia.

M. Kurnia Ariawan
President Director